Helping You Work Towards Your Goals

The mission of HIM Concierge Services, LLC is to provide world class career navigation and coaching services to new and emerging health information professionals.

We also strive to make health information education and literature as accessible and understandable as possible through research, curriculum development, writing, and tutoring.

Resume Refresh

Content Creation

Career Navigation

Mock Interviews

LinkedIn Optimization

Certification Preparation

Continuing Education

Professional Development

The demands of the professional world can leave anyone feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and stuck. With the keen understanding of someone who’s been there, I will help align your passion and personal gifts, fueling you to define your strengths, discover your niche, and build your growing network to set you apart from other HIM professionals and take back your career!

Together, we will work strategically to ensure you gain the necessary tools to be empowered and level up, continuing until you have achieved each of your goals in the process. Schedule a consultation with me or any one of my team members today. We would love to be of service!

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